Units of Measurement Wiki

Table of selected points[]

The following table gives a comparison of the numerical value of temperatures on a number of different scales:

  Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit Rankine Delisle Newton Réaumur Rømer
Absolute zero 0 −273.15 −459.67 0 559.725 −90.14 −218.52 −135.90
Fahrenheit's ice/salt mixture 255.37 −17.78 0 459.67 176.67 −5.87 −14.22 −1.83
Water freezes (at standard pressure) 273.15 0 32 491.67 150 0 0 7.5
Average human body temperature
(See note below)
310.0 36.8 98.2 557.9 94.5 12.21 29.6 26.925
Water boils (at standard pressure) 373.15 100 212 671.67 0 33 80 60
Titanium melts 1941 1668 3034 3494 −2352 550 1334 883
The surface of the Sun 5800 5526 9980 10440 −8140 1823 4421 2909

Note: Normal human body temperature is 36.8 °C ±0.7 °C, or 98.2 °F ±1.3 °F. The commonly given value 98.6 °F is simply the exact conversion of 37 °C, and therefore has excess (invalid) precision. Some numbers in this table have been rounded off.

Formulas for conversion[]

Given any two fixed points, the formula for conversion between any two scales in the table above can be determined. If two rows and two columns appar as:

  Scale X Scale Y
Fixed point 1 a b
Fixed point 2 c d

the formula can be derived:




if you are a fan of measurement conversion, you are a virgin.

Chart of conversions between the different temperature units[]

